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          Governor Mr.Taifeng Shi of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region inspected Ningxia Vocaron New Material Co.,Ltd

          The author: time:2019-09-19

          On May 29th, Governor Mr.Taifeng Shi and Mr.Chaochao Zhang, the executive vice chairman of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region met the leaders of Ningxia Vocaron New Material Co.,Ltd in Chemical New Materials Park,Ningdong National Energy and Chemical Industry Base. They talked with the leaders and went around the factory, and gave advice and suggestions to the company’s development.

           “As one of the fine chemical projects in Ningdong Park, Ningxia, Ningxia attracted us at the beginning as known as Southern Frontier . With abundant basic chemical resources, modern logistics network, integrated and convenient government service system, diversified basic personnel training, all natural advantages and infrastructure construction, Ningdong Park has become the only one in northwest China to rank among the Top Eight chemical industry parks in China. It is indeed a blessing for us to successfully settle here in October 2017.Mr. Xuliang Guo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vocaron, told the Governor Mr.Taifeng Shi, "Ningdong government has given us a lot of help and support, which is the reason for the prosperous construction of Vocaron today.."

          Mr.Xuliang Guo told the Governor that the project of "15,800 tons of high-end photo initiators and light stabilizers" was started in June 2018, and completed in April 2019. After the installation of UV-800 workshop and utility equipment in June, phase I of the project is expected to enter the trial production stage in June this year. Projects of UV-184 and UV-1173 of Phase II were successfully started in early August 2018. At present, the main construction of the workshop has been basically completed, and the internal equipment of the workshop is also in the procurement process as scheduled. With a total investment of 460 million yuan, the capacity of photoinitiators in the high-end PCB electronic printing ink andwater-based photoinitiator for automotive coatings will rank the No.1.

          Governor Mr.Taifeng Shi listened Mr.Xuliang Guo’s introduction carefully and confirmed thelayout of the market shares. Governor Mr.Taifeng Shi repeatedly stressed that the construction of the project should be carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan. The Ningdong government is looking forward to seeing that Vocaron has successfully put into production.It is expected that Vocaronwill become No.1 in the area of high-end additives and set an example for other brother companies in Ningdong New Materials Park.


          CONTACT US

          Ningxia Vocaron new materials co. LTD


          ADD:Room A1401, 14th floor, ningdong enterprise headquarters building, ningxia 

          All rights reserved support:善仁科技
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